Sounds of Solstice
🤍December 21st, 2024🤍
🤍7pm to 9pm pm🤍
✨Sounds of Solstice✨
Gather on the longest night of the year for:
🤍sharing in the beautiful ceremonial drinking of cacao
🤍Embracing the darkness and celebrating the return of the light
🤍 Sitting in circle for 108 repetitions of the famous Gayatri Mantra
This powerful mantra japa practice will be followed by a Sacred Sound Medicine session to integrate and assist in setting intention.
The word Solstice comes from the Latin words sol and sistere meaning the sun standing still. It marks the longest night of the year and the shift back to increasing Light. As the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts and moves in the opposite direction. It opens a door for taking a moment in our own lives, resting and letting emerging ideas surface.
Immersing one’s self in the Sound Vibrations of a Sound Bath can be an ideal practice for this, as it is conducive to stillness, feeling and observing what arises.
🔥May include outdoor fire, weather permitting🔥
Register by e-transfer to [email protected] or follow this ticket link.
Please contact Sarah for in person cash prepayment option, for alternate pricing if funds are an issue or if you have any questions.